I've been taking classes at DTS since the Spring of 2008. In the Summer of 2008 we moved to Dallas so that I could attend classes. Stacy and I felt that God totally wanted us to be here. I've attended both full and part time since then. It has been incredible and now we are about to finish.
We've tried really hard to not take student loans and have been somewhat successful. We are now at the final semester coming up this Spring and we hope to be finished and graduating in May!!
We've had several people bless us greatly with support along the way. It has been so helpful. My parents and my mother-in-law, Jane, have also helped as they could. My wonderful job at Fellowship Technologies has helped us pay for the rest along with a few small student loans. It has been God that provided all of this and he deserves the glory for sending such wonderful family and friends our way along with a great job.
It's in this last semester that we find ourselves needing the most help. By November 11 we need to raise $2550, and then by December 3 we need to raise another $4200. We have no idea how this will happen but we are fully trusting God to provide. He has provided always and we have made it this far without any understanding how it has happened. God just seems to always work that way.
I have setup an online payment tool through Chipin that will allow people to make online payments to an account that will help pay for this final semester. It's safe, secure and easy to use. If you feel led please click on the link below.
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