Friday, September 15, 2006

Becoming an IMissionary

I've been working lately at becoming an Internet Missionary or IMissionary. I'm trying to get on message boards and talk to people about faith and life in a real non-threatening way.

I've started with I watch for stories that are related to faith or watch for comments that may be about someone slamming Christ or anything that people may be dealing with especially with stories that may be related to Christianity (since those are easy to find) . Here is one story that I've worked on lately .

I had noticed for a long time that whenever a "Christian" topic is raised on Digg that the comments are really tough and there seems to be a lot of people there that are angry with God, confused, or just needing some encouragement. I think that describes a great mission field!

I'm trying to do two things: 1 - Get as many people to Digg the story as I can (whatever story it may be that I am watching) so that it will become popular and more people will enter into the comment area and we can begin a conversation and 2 - I'm trying to talk with people in a non-judgmental way (I'm still trying to figure out how) and just share how God has changed my life.

So I'm looking for other people who would be willing to be a part of this. The way that I am building the group right now until I can get a website setup is to have people go to one of my existing sites and subscribe to the RSS feed. Once I get the new site up (in a week or so) I will move the subscriptions over to that site and will begin to make a better web presence. The goal is not to build a great website but to have a place where people can get involved in this new "outreach".

So if you are interested please go to and subscribe to my feed. I'll send out alerts when I see places to interact. Thanks!

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